New Year, New You?

Hi ladies and gents! We’re four days into the new year, and I pray that all is going well for you guys. As the first week of the year is quickly coming to a close, I hope you all are walking with Christ with a spirit of fierce determination to achieve each and every goal you have set for yourself this week, month, and year. I know I am. My mind is solely set on my goals—no distractions and with a “no days off” mentality.

Although I hope you are sticking to those fitness goals, professional/career-related goals, spiritual goals, and personal goals for self-improvement, I want to remind you to not become too rigid. Don’t be so in control that it no longer feels as if God is in control. Don’t become so obsessed with results that you forget to enjoy the journey—celebrate the small victories. Every year we are afforded the opportunity to get this built-in time of renewal and restoration, hitting the restart button on a lot of things in our life; it’s a blessing. It should feel good to your physical health, psychological health, and spiritual well-being; it shouldn’t be stressful.

So, here are some quick tips for you as you work diligently and intentionally toward achieving your goals in which I hope you have consulted with God about, first:

-       Pray about what you’re working toward daily, and keep those spiritual goals first on your list of priorities.

-       Have a schedule. Now, at times, life will happen—things that are completely out of our control, and adjustments will have to be made. But remember, if something doesn’t go exactly as planned, there’s a reason for that, and God is not required to share the reason with us.

-       Stay flexible. If things don’t go as planned, don’t go “forgetting” your goals—don’t become discouraged and become idle (even if temporary). Satan will use anything he can to knock you off track—don’t allow him to succeed.

-       For those times you fall short, get back up! If you make a mistake or poor judgment, don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, give the glory to God. Let your weaknesses make room for God’s extraordinary strength.

-       Protect your peace. It is our obligation, as Christians, to love people where they are. It is not our job to accept disrespect, dishonor, backbiting, or lies. Everyone is not equipped to love you, so don’t go self-destructing because they don’t. Let God choose your friends, your future spouse, and establish relationships.

With that being said, make 2018 your year! If you want marriage, then act like it—let your actions reflect what you claim your heart desires. If you’re beginning a new career or striving for increase in finances or a promotion, do the hard work. Be diligent—show up early and finish late. Trying to change some bad habits? Then stop hanging out with people who are a threat to the best version of yourself.

Want to hear God more clearly? Then stop leaving God’s presence after asking Him for things—sit back and just listen. Give him your undivided attention—wait patiently on Him. Want new friends? Then start smiling and saying “hello” instead of mean-mugging as a defense mechanism. You want God to elevate you? Then stop knocking others down.

I’m telling you, this is the year for God’s people. Christians are under constant attack. Satan knows the power that lies within us, when God is involved. He will stop at nothing to stop our blessings, in hopes of bringing our success to a screeching halt. Don’t let Satan win.

Those seeds you planted—a harvest is coming! You can’t even begin to imagine how great 2018 is going to treat you, if you remain obedient to His word, faithful, and stay the course; and most importantly, please remember, God’s plan is not always our plan. You may not have something planned/scheduled, but it doesn’t mean it’s not time. If God brings you someone who loves you, accept it. If He opens a door to a new and unexpected opportunity, don’t turn away from it. If God says move, get to moving!


I pray that 2018 treats you sweetly; and if it gets a little sour at times, don’t give up, loves.

God got you!