'Tis the Season

Merry Christmas Eve ladies and gents! 'Tis the season to be joyous. I hope that all of your holiday wishes come to past. May you feel God’s presence at all times—today, tomorrow, and every day that follows.

Often, we hear that this time of the year is about giving, which I wholeheartedly agree with. I’m all for giving more of yourself—emotionally, financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically. However, I challenge each and every one of us (myself included) to go the extra mile, 365 days a year to spread the love of Jesus. Make giving less of a seasonal responsibility and more of a lifestyle. Whether you’re giving a bigger tip to your waitress, more time to your loved ones, whatever it is, being a giver should be who you are; no matter the size of the gesture—like Nike—Just Do It.

So, be kind to the cashier; send a text to your friend and remind them just how much their friendship means to you; give someone an extra reason to smile; initiate laughter; or remind your lady or gent just how beautiful/handsome they are—flirt with them. Let your mom/dad know that your love and gratitude for their role in your life doesn’t dry up after the celebration of a man-made holiday—Mother’s Day/Father’s Day. Pray with someone; spread love and kindness so much that it excites your own spirit; and allow yourself to be a vessel of God—be a well of love year-round. Be blessed; but most of all, be a blessing.

May each of you have a beautiful and very merry Christmas!